Saturday, September 7, 2013


...used to be the first month of school. I remember getting excited about that day after Labor Day...the first day of school. New shoes. New outfit. New pencils. New binder. New paper just waiting to be written on. The first date I learned to write began with these numbers...195-. Now. I'm writing 2013 on a white board for a classroom of 4th grade students. That's a long way from that chubby pencil in the 1950s. I learned to read Holt, Rinehart's Alice, Jerry and Jip books. This week I am teaching Who is Neil Armstrong? To a tech savvy bunch who has never known life without 24/7 TV with hundreds of channels and who daily text and have Facebook access. Are they smarter than me? In so many betcha.
...begins a new year for teachers and students. What's all that fuss about January 1st? The REAL new year for most families is September.
...ushers in a new season. The one that brings crisp air. Pumpkins. Georgia Football. Falling leaves. Birthday Season for most of our family.
...prompts me to begin to-do lists for family gatherings. Thanksgiving and Christmas.
...causes closet rotation. Goodbye summertime easy wear. Hello sleeves and sweaters and closed-toed  shoes.
...serves up pots of chili. Soups. Stews. Grilled cheese sammies on the side!
...and fresh boiled peanuts...and hayrides...and carnivals...
...lotsa memory making moments. But I think EVERY month yields that!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Technology and ME

Yes...Amy...I can only work as fast as technology lets me.  AND as fast as my memory allows me to access an account I have not used in almost 2 years.  Several emails and 45 minutes later...I'm back in my blog.  Sigh!  Now to keep this up and going...we'll see...we'll see.